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5 Things To Consider When Planning A Home Extension

Nov 21st, 2024
DPV Construction Home extension Project Camberwell, VIC

Extending your home is an exciting prospect that goes beyond merely renovating a room or two. Extending up or sideways can completely change the look and feel of your property, giving you entirely new rooms and spaces to use, like verandahs, bedrooms and living areas.

Because an extension is such a major change for your home, there are a few things you need to consider before starting one. Here are five vital points to think about before you start planning your own home extension!

1. Are You Allowed To Extend Your Home In Your Area?

Before you start getting excited and planning your dream extension, you’ll need to make sure an extension is even allowed in your area. You don’t want to spend a lot of effort planning and then, upon submitting your application, find out it’s not even allowed!

Here are some things to consider when looking into extending in your area, as well as some information about permits.

You Live In A Heritage Building Or Within A Heritage Overlay

One of the biggest obstacles you may face when planning an extension will be if you live in a heritage property or within a heritage precinct. Heritage properties add significant cultural, historical and sometimes even spiritual value to an area, which is why altering their layout or design with an extension or renovation can be tricky to authorise.

If your property has heritage status, you will need to apply to your council for a planning permit.

  • A heritage building is a singular property with historical significance to the area. This may be because of its design, the construction methods used to build it or even the role it used to play before it became your property. These properties will be mostly intact and have notable features associated with their heritage status.
  • A heritage precinct is an area with significant historical value to the community or state. This doesn’t always mean every single property in the area is a heritage one, but many of them will be, while other homes contribute to the overall heritage without being strictly heritage buildings themselves.

If your property has significant heritage value, this can restrict you in what kinds of renovations and extensions you are allowed to perform, as there may be certain aspects of your home (both inside and out) that you are not allowed to change.

Make sure to check out the City of Melbourne’s Heritage Owner’s Guide to learn about the different types of heritage you can see around the state. You can also read more about building permits on the Victorian Building Authority’s (VBA) website.

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What Doesn’t Require A Permit?

Some types of work won’t require planning and building permits, but it’s always safer to check with your local council anyway before commencing. These include:

  • Building a small shed, garage or carport if the floor is less than 10m2, is not more than 3m in height and is not constructed of masonry (brick and stone).
  • Minor alterations (won’t impact the structural soundness of the building, won’t project onto the street and won’t affect the safety of the building and people) and demolitions  (of small structures like carports, garages and sheds that aren’t made from masonry, do not exceed 40m2 and won’t affect the safety of the public).
  • Building a pergola (open and unroofed) that is less than 3.6m in height, does not have a floor area that exceeds 20m2 and is not too far forward on the property.
  • Repair work for maintenance purposes that will not negatively affect the structural soundness of the building, will not negatively affect safety, and is done using materials similar to those being replaced.

Check out the VBA’s document on Building Permits And Other Exemptions for a full breakdown of what kinds of works do and do not need a permit.

Need more information about home extensions for your Surrey Hills, Canterbury or Malvern property? The team at DPV Construction is here to help!

2. Is It Better To Build Out Or Up?

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If you want to extend your home, will you go out to the side, or add another level to your property? There are benefits and drawbacks to both, and you might find the parameters of your building and local rules and regulations dictate what you physically can and cannot do. 

Extending Out

If you have enough space on your property, extending out is a feasible idea that can greatly improve the layout and spaciousness of your home. Extending outwards means you don’t need to worry about height regulations or disturbing the privacy of your neighbours, although you’ll need to be careful not to extend too close to the fences of your property.

Extending out means:

  • Your home will be friendly for anyone who is mobility-impaired.
  • You won’t be constrained by the existing layout of your home.
  • You can create more modern, spacious rooms. Open plan living can increase the value of your home and allow you to create kitchen/dining hybrids and extend your living rooms into the outdoors.

Extending out also means:

  • You’ll have to give up yard and garden space, which can be tricky if you don’t live on a large plot of land.
  • It may be costly if you need extensive groundwork done, like foundation earthworks if the soil isn’t right for building on.
  • You may find it more disruptive to your everyday living, as the work is being done right next to where you’ll be living. Alternative accommodation may be required. 

Extending Up

Adding an entirely new storey to your home can greatly increase its value and gives you a whole other space that is perfect for extra bedrooms and bathrooms that can give you more living space downstairs. However, you’ll need to check with your council if there are any height restrictions in place.

Extending up means:

  • You won’t need to sacrifice any of your backyard, front yard or garden space to make the extension happen.
  • You can expect better views of your surroundings, which is great if you live in a more picturesque area.
  • Work is done outside and accessed using scaffolding, so you won’t be disturbed as much and can remain living at home–if you can handle the noise during working hours!

Extending up also means:

  • Your home’s structure may need to be reinforced if it isn’t designed to handle the weight of another storey.
  • You’ll be restricted as to how wide your extension can be by the existing layout of your home.
  • You’ll need to sacrifice some inside space for a new staircase.

Which direction will you extend? Consider the needs of your family and how that can change in the future, how much space (indoors and out) you are willing to sacrifice for the extension and how much work your existing home will need to prepare it before you start.

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3. How Will It Affect Your Neighbours?

Whether you get along well with your neighbours or not, having them on board for your extension can be important, especially if you are extending up. There are several things you can do to make the extension process easier for your neighbours, which include:

  • Contact them early and let them know of your desire to extend. Providing them with a rough plan or blueprint can be a good way to get your neighbours on your side early.
  • Avoid building a balcony or large windows if your neighbours have a bathroom or pool that can be easily seen because of the new extension. High windows that cannot be seen out of (used more for letting in light) or frosted windows can help alleviate concerns about privacy your neighbours may have.
  • Make sure your builders stick to the local noise laws in your area. It may not be a problem for you, especially if you’re relocating during the extension, but construction noises at 6am will be very annoying for your neighbours–and in many places, it’s also illegal! Make sure your construction teams know they can only start as easily as 7am and must be finished by 8pm, according to the Environment Protection Authority in Victoria.

Are you looking for home extensions in Mont Albert, Glen Iris or Camberwell? Reach out to DPV Constructions for a professional and beautiful extension you’ll love!

4. How Much Will It Cost?

Budget will be one of the largest and most important factors that will inform how you plan your home extension. Who you hire and how much you extend will be restricted depending on your budget, so it’s very important you create an accurate and realistic budget for your extension.

Things to account for in your budget include:

  1. The materials to be used
  2. The design of your extension
  3. Permits you may need
  4. Professional labour
  5. Extra funding for emergencies

Don’t skimp out on the emergency fund either–this safety net will make the entire process much less stressful if something unexpected happens.

5. Is It Better To Move, Renovate Or Extend?

Is extending your home really the right choice? Remember, if you feel your current home isn’t large or modern enough for your needs anymore, you do have other options.

You can renovate–this means changing the inside structure and looks of your home without actually adding space, as an extension does. Popular renovations can include merging your dining and lounge rooms into one large, open area, upgrading the fixtures in your kitchen and changing its layout or something as simple as adding shelving to your bedroom.

Clever renovations can breathe new life into your home, making it more modern, livable and even energy-efficient. They’re also cheaper than extensions, as you won’t need major construction work or permits.

Or, you can move. Packing up your life and moving is never easy, but if you have outgrown your home and extending isn’t an option due to size restrictions, moving may be your best option.

Moving allows you to find a newer space that already has all your size and room needs covered. Many new properties already have energy-efficient appliances and structures installed, with the benefit of modern, open-plan rooms already in place.

DPV Construction Are Your Experts In Home Extensions

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If you’re looking for a group to partner with for your home extensions. DPV Construction is the business to trust. With a focus on crafting bespoke and luxury builds, we specialise in crafting modern and attractive home extensions in Melbourne that bring your vision to life.

You can get in touch with us by leaving a message online or call us on 0431 234 491 to discuss your extension with our team. As fully licenced and insured Master Builders, you can trust us to extend your home to your exact specifications. 

Reach out now, and let’s create your dream home with one of our high-quality home extensions!

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